Astronaut LLC, benefits society with revolutionary, full-featured, stable electronic medical software as well as products, custom programming, service, training and support.
Contact/Mailing address:
Astronaut, LLC
3519 Blue Bonnet
Houston, Tx 77025
email: astronautvista@gmail.com
Ignacio H. Valdes, MD, MS Dr. Valdes is a Board Certified Psychiatrist with a twenty two year history of working in the healthcare IT arena. He has been involved with entities such as HealthQuilt, Your Doctor Program, Harris County Health Information Cooperative, the Free Medical Software foundation and WorldVistA. He is the chair of the American Medical Informatics Open Source Working Group and founder of Linux Medical News. He is an award-winning, internationally recognized expert on free and open source medical software and interoperability standards. He is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston’s School of Health Information Sciences. He completed medical school at Southwestern in Dallas (1998), residency training at the University of Texas at Houston Department of Psychiatry (2001). Prior to medical school he worked for IBM and Compaq as a software and quality control engineer as well as his own software company. He has a Computer Science degree from Texas A&M (1985) and Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Houston (1991).
We are pleased to announce Kevin Toppenberg, MD as Director of Client Software Strategies for the Astronaut company. He received his Medical Doctor degree from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. Residency training in Family Medicine was at Florida Hospital in Orlando, Florida, followed by a fellowship in FP Obstetrics, also at Florida Hospital. He is a family physician in private practice in Greenville, Tennessee. Dr. Toppenberg is highly skilled in both MUMPS and Delphi Pascal programming. He has created the TMG-CPRS product which is featured prominently in the Astronaut VistA Installer Suite.
David Whitten is a senior computer specialist with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Houston, Texas. He holds a masters degree in computer science and is a recognized expert on knowledge bases and artificial intelligence. He has worked with VistA and its predecessors for more than twenty years while programming for such employers as Houston’s Methodist Hospital, the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) as well as the VA. In the artificial intelligence field, he has contributed to the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology working group, written the unofficial FAQ on the Cyc system, and founded the Public Domain Knowledge Bank. He is a longstanding member of the MUMPS Development Committee and cofounded the OpenVistA project and WorldVistA.